Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Tips To Buy The Right DSLR Camera

 There are many factors that will determine when we want to make the choice to buy a DSLR camera. Because there are many different brands and types, entry level or advance, which must still going really confusing.
To be selected later DSLR correspond exactly to our needs and not redundant, I try to collect the factors normally be a determinant of our choice:
1. Price. This is the most important factor determining whether the types and would like a DSLR camera brand we will have later. How sophisticated desires and the type of camera you choose, the budget we have is decisive.
2. Usability. Or to demand whether you buy a DSLR camera, whether for a new hobby, get a job to be part of documentation in the office, expedite the work as a photographer coverage and if your needs can still be met with a pocket camera would not buy a DSLR camera is a must. Not only will more of a hassle because you have to learn to master it will also be burdensome because the size is larger than the usual point and shoot camera.
3. Specifications. If this factor that determines the means you are interested to explore the usefulness and advantages of the DSLR cameras are no longer simply shoot and snap. Do you need a camera with a higher speed because they want to explore photo sport, great resolution because it will often print with a large size, the higher the ISO rating for duty pictures of music concerts or stage shows and others.
Actually, the three factors above are the most determining factor of your decision to choose and buy a DSLR camera. But if I should add that the most frequent factors into consideration other then the options are:
4. The resolution. Many people have misconceptions about the word of this resolution or megapixels. Most people assume that a megapixel camera has a size larger then the resulting picture will be better. And if we will only print the images in most post card size, scale megapixels in compact cameras had to be sufficient. New large megapixel size is needed if we should print in sizes larger than 60 cm x 40 cm. Or you are a professional who often scored in the large size of the crop the photo.
5. Accessories. This option can also mean you will invest in a brand camera or already have one particular brand before, and decided to complement the needs of these brands.
6. Future needs. Are you going to use the camera to 5 or 6 years? Because the digital SLR camera technology is a technology that does not quickly wear out by time, unlike for example in mobile phone technology is rapidly changing. Unless there is a springboard of new technology such as the transition from analog cameras to digital cameras. Or maybe later when using a DSLR camera shutter or shutter replaced by mobile phone camera technology with the same result quality.
So all the decision is in your hands, think about it so that your choice will not be in vain. Happy hunting! 

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Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Tips for Choosing a Digital Camera

Digital cameras have a variety of types and features that sometimes makes us confused to choose according to our needs. Choosing a camera is tricky, especially for users who are novice or amateur category. Therefore, these tips are very useful for prospective users of digital cameras before selecting the desired camera. Here are some tips before hunting digital cameras.ResolutionDigital images created by dots called pixels. This resolution refers to the number of pixels which work together to make a photograph. Usually indicated by a horizontal x vertical. 1280x960 resolution has a total of 1.2 Megapixels. The greater the resolution will produce images that are also better.Adjust the resolution offered by your choice. Usually in one camera available different resolution options. If you just want to send photos via e-mail, 640x480 resolution is adequate. But if you want to print you should choose a larger resolution, so that the image is not broken and blurred.Make sure the other supporting featuresBefore buying, make sure the digital camera of your choice to choose several supporting features such as additional memory capability. This is to enlarge the warehouse to store your images.If you occasionally want to move images, select a camera that supports video as some digital cameras are only capable audio only. Adjust to your needs. Video or audio?Also note the zoom capabilities on offer. Optical zoom into the limelight rather than digital zoom, the devices that provide facilities Kunak croppping and enlarge the image.The flash (flash)The average digital camera products are equipped with an integrated flash. There are automated or need to press the button on to run it. Flash is useful as a supporter of light.Pictures taken in slightly darker conditions can still perform optimally with the help of dazzling lights.Consider also whether the slim has additional features such as reducing red-eye effect. Some products also come with a selection of photos to capture images at night or the night scene.LCD screenThe LCD screen on the back of digital camera lets you see the object. Here you can also view and delete unwanted pictures. Select a content resolution LCD screen with large enough so that the colors appear more natural. Screen size also varies. Make sure the screen is not too small, so the image can perform optimally.Self-timerSelf timer can usually reach 10 seconds. In addition to photographing facilitate self-image, this feature is also useful for taking pictures in poor light conditions because it can reduce the pressure on the shock of the shooting.Battery lifeIf you do not want the pleasure is lost because of lackluster battery, you need to consider how long it can survive a power source. Choosing a battery that can be refilled (rechargeable) is the act wise and more efficient.ConnectionConsider whether your digital camera can get in touch with other digital devices such as televisions, printers, PCs or Macs. You will be helped with a USB cable.You can also print images with the help of a USB cable. Some digital cameras already supports PictBridge which makes you free to print images directly from digital camera even though its brand is different.As for the six vendors that pioneered the open standards that are Canon, Hewleet-Packard, Seiko Epson Corporation, Olympus Optical Company, Fuji Photo Film Corporation and Sony Corporation.PricingDo not forget to calculate the price of other supporting devices such as rechargeable batteries and AC adapters.Operating timeChoose a digital camera that does not take too many shots after the break. Difference in time of 4 to 6 seconds just might make you less satisfied with the performance of the slim.Compare prices and warrantyDo not just stuck on sati store only. If there is spare time not hurt you to do minimal research before buying.Margin distinct advantage of being the source of why the prices you find in the store that one is not equal to another. Note also the warranty.
Finally, do not just stuck on the body shape and flirty but notice the content or features that are present in a product.

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Brushing Teeth How to Correct

Brushing your teeth after meals and before bedtime is a daily routine. The aim is to obtain healthy teeth / mouth and breath refreshed. There are several different ways of brushing teeth, which need to be considered when brushing your teeth is:(1) How to brush should be cleaned of all deposits on the surface of the teeth and gums as well, especially the gum pockets and interdental space (the space between the teeth);(2) Movement toothbrush does not damage the gum tissue and teeth with mengabrasi layer does not give excess pressure;(3) How to brush must be precise and efficient.(4) Frequency of brushing up to 3 X a day (after breakfast, lunch and before bed at night), or at least 2 X a day (after breakfast and before bedtime).We have already seen that the frequency of tooth brushing was 3 X a day, every after meals and before bed. In fact brushing your teeth 3 times a day is not always possible, especially when someone is in school, office or anywhere else. Manson (1971) argues that brushing your teeth is 2 X a day, after breakfast and before bed at night.Brushing your teeth should be done systematically, there are no leftovers behind. Way back teeth brushing starts from the right / left moved toward the front and rear ends of the teeth right / left from the other side. The results will be better brushing using disclosing tablets or disclosing solution before and after brushing teeth. By disclosing solution, the layers are attached to the tooth surface can be seen clearly.Known for some kind of brushing teeth, that is,(A) vertical movement. Direction of movement of brushing up and down in a state of the upper and lower jaw is closed. This movement to the tooth surface facing the cheek (buccal / labial), while for the tooth surface facing the tongue / palate (lingual / palatal), brushing movement up and down in an open mouth. This way there is a drawback, which is not true when brushing your teeth can cause gingival recession / decline gums so that the roots of the teeth look.(B) horizontal movement. Direction of movement of brushing teeth to the front to the rear of the buccal and lingual surfaces. Rubbing motion in the plane known as chewing scrub brush. It's easy to do and in accordance with the form of chewing surface anatomy. The combination of vertical-horizontal movements, when done should be very careful because it can cause gum recession / tooth abrasion layer.(C) Movement of roll engineering / modification Stillman. In this way, simple movements, most recommended, efficient and reach all parts of the mouth. Hair brush is placed on the surface of the gums, away from the occlusal surface / area of ​​chewing, hair brush tip led to the apex / tip of the root, move slowly through the rear surface of the tooth so that the brush head moves in a curve.At the time of the fur brush through the crown of the tooth, its position is almost upright on the enamel surface. Repeat this movement until more or less 12 times so nothing is missed. This can result in gum massage and wash the leftovers in the interproximal area / between teeth.Of all the brushing teeth, choosing a toothbrush and a toothpaste, which scattered lots in the market.With exposure to the above, now we can choose according to individual taste and ethics notice brushing properly. No longer lazy brushing teeth, brushing your teeth budayakanlah after meals and before bed tonight, take a moment to maintain your teeth and achieve fresh breath. Keep in mind, and note that the source of infection / vocals infection begins with the condition that your teeth and mouth. Insha Allah with healthy teeth and fresh breath ... You'll sleep soundly and protected from disease. (Drg. Ginandjar R., A. M. Al-Islam Bandung Hospital).

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Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Prevent Acne

Several steps can be taken to prevent acne.

1. Diligent cleaning of the face
One cause of acne is dirt and bacteria attached to the face. With a face wash or clean your face using a cleansing milk to get rid of dirt and bacteria.

2. Get rid of facial hair
Hair will become dirty and greasy while we perform daily activities. When the hair touching your face, then the dirt can be moved into our faces and can cause acne.

3. Wash your pillowcase and sheets on a regular basis
The hair is dirty or unclean faces can lead to germs and dirt moving in a pillowcase or bed linens when we use a pillow. Then, at other times when face against the pillow, back against the dirt on our faces.

4. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
Consuming enough water can help the body remove toxins and useless in the body, thereby reducing the risk of acne.

5. Using a mask preventing acne on a regular basis
By using a mask of honey and lemon juice. This can help eliminate bacteria and oil on the face.

6. Reduce the use of cosmetics
Using cosmetics can clog pores. This blockage makes the pores do not breathe properly. Choose cosmetics that are water that can reduce the potential incidence of acne than oil-based cosmetics.

7. Do not push the existing acne
Dirty hands when you hold and squeeze acne trigger increased oil and dirt on the face. When the squeeze pimples, the layers under the skin can become damaged and cause facial oil spread to other parts of the face so the pimples arise more and more.
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Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Tips to Prevent Hair Loss

Hair is our crown. For that we need very well cared for, so we always look elegant and stunning. Below is a traditional way to prevent hair loss that often occurs in women's hair.
Tsa'lab (deprived roots of the hair of the head) is hair loss a person, whether a head of hair, beard and hairs other parts of the body so that her skin slippery like a bottle. The cause is the increasing mix of sudawi. Come directly to the recipe to overcome hair loss.
  • 3 stalks Aloe Vera leaf is however a rather thick
  • The original honey around 2 to 3 tablespoons
  • shallots
Method of Construction:
  1. Aloe Vera (Aloe vera) burned, until it becomes dry and then puree
  2. Puree (mash) red onion and take the water
  3. Both of the above ingredients are then mixed with honey
  4. Let the day and night
How to Care:
Each input on the morning of gauze and oiled like a smear above. This was done for 7 consecutive days, the hair will surely grow. After a bit heavy so cukurlah then the hair will grow nice and beautiful. This recipe usually used for those who are already experiencing severe hair loss.
Additional tips
If by chance you bought watermelon then make use, in addition to the sweet flesh, not to forget the skin, because the skin of the watermelon is also beneficial to the hair. Rub the skin of a living white watermelon on your scalp. If you can do this at least once a week, then you will not get a nutritious hair loss.
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How to Remove Blackheads Naturally And Quickly

Every person, especially for adolescents, both boys and girls of course want to have a clean face of blackheads and acne. In general we diwajah contained blackheads can be removed, but most people are less concerned with issues arising blackheads, blackheads itself if it has been neglected a long time - long very hard to remove. Previously Used first read How to Eliminate Acne.Blackheads are divided into two namely:1. Blackhead (open comedone), looks like an enlarged pores and blackened. Blackheads are colored black due to oxidation by air.

2. Whiteheads (closed comedones), was behind the cuticle layer of the clogged dirt and grease, looks like a small lump under the skin.There are basically two ways you can do, which is naturally or with the use of drugs. And that will be discussed this time is How to Remove Blackheads Naturally and Quickly.Here's How to Remove Blackheads Naturally and Fast:1. Using Egg White. From 1 egg white part only. Place the empty container and shake until frothy. After that apply the results of those beaten in the face that there komedonya then cover with damp paper towels (like using a mask). There is a good idea before and after the use of egg white face mask is cleaned with warm water.

2. Using Gelatin Powder, Liquid Milk and Egg White. The use of this material is not much different from the way first. Make a liquid milk and egg whites and mix until evenly distributed and heat. Let stand a minute or until warm. After that just mix the egg whites until evenly distributed. Already? Apply on the face of existing komedonya. And once again, try before and after using this mask, the face is cleaned with warm water.Steam your face with hot water which has been given 1 tablespoon salt. Allow 10 minutes. Salt water steam will open pores, capillaries widen blood vessels under the skin and smoothen peredarah blood to the skin.Combine juice and soy beans, used as a mask, let stand 30 minutes, rinse. Use several times.

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