2. Whiteheads (closed comedones), was behind the cuticle layer of the clogged dirt and grease, looks like a small lump under the skin.There are basically two ways you can do, which is naturally or with the use of drugs. And that will be discussed this time is How to Remove Blackheads Naturally and Quickly.Here's How to Remove Blackheads Naturally and Fast:1. Using Egg White. From 1 egg white part only. Place the empty container and shake until frothy. After that apply the results of those beaten in the face that there komedonya then cover with damp paper towels (like using a mask). There is a good idea before and after the use of egg white face mask is cleaned with warm water.
2. Using Gelatin Powder, Liquid Milk and Egg White. The use of this material is not much different from the way first. Make a liquid milk and egg whites and mix until evenly distributed and heat. Let stand a minute or until warm. After that just mix the egg whites until evenly distributed. Already? Apply on the face of existing komedonya. And once again, try before and after using this mask, the face is cleaned with warm water.Steam your face with hot water which has been given 1 tablespoon salt. Allow 10 minutes. Salt water steam will open pores, capillaries widen blood vessels under the skin and smoothen peredarah blood to the skin.Combine juice and soy beans, used as a mask, let stand 30 minutes, rinse. Use several times.